Sunday, September 30, 2012

Admirers, Admiring, and Homecoming (I bet you thought the third word should have started with an "A")

Exceedingly long titles are fun every now and again.
So I have realized something: I have admirers. It's a startling revelation. Out of nowhere, I find out that this really really quiet girl I've known since.... seventh grade? Yeah. Well anyway, I find out on Friday that she had a crush on me for a long time last year. Keep in mind that she rarely ever talked to me. When she did it was more than likely three or four words at a time. Apparently, I have crushed her heart unknowingly. In my defense, I never knew she liked me. Then there's the spunky little girl who is funny, cute, and talkative, but who takes offence easily and wears her heart on her sleeve. Then there's the geek who is cute, smart, and into things like Star Wars, Doctor Who, The X-files, The Lord of the Rings, and all sorts of video games. Then there's the girl in the advanced wood-shop class. She's funny, and cute, and tall, but she swears sometimes. To all you girls out there, remember this: Ugly words should not come out of a pretty face. If you think this doesn't apply to you, think again. There's somebody out there who thinks you are beautiful. Sorry. Tangent. Anyway, there is also the very attractive part-Latin-American cellist who also loves dancing, and happens to be very good at it. As far as I know, this is the list. If you should be on this list, please let me know at some point in the near future. I would like to know.
Then there are the girls I like (although the list is somewhat shorter, I think.): The last-mentioned on the previous list, the geeky blond one, and a few others who are not coming to mind specifically. Until very recently (as shall shortly be explained), I was very taken with a particular redheaded girl who refuses to believe she has any redeeming qualities, yet was still beautiful nonetheless. Until last night around 7:30 p.m. When I saw the cellist ready to go to the dance, at which point I nearly fell over because she was so ravishing. Literally. I had to support myself using the hand rail on the porch steps. This is the last decisive step in my getting over the redhead, which, unfortunately, seems to have been a mistake. I am in the process of finding out that she may still like me, which sucks because she told me not to like her anymore so I wouldn't get hurt, at which point it felt like I was getting stabbed in the heart over 100 times a day for a month. I could almost literally feel a knife cutting open my chest.
However that happens to turn out, I was ecstatic about my date last night. I couldn't keep my eyes off of her for the whole night after I saw her in her homecoming dress. I was really, really happy about my choice to ask her to the dance. OH MAN is she hot! Anyway, the night was fun, and everyone was happy. At the end of the night, I tried to kiss her, and she wouldn't let me. I find that attractive. Girls, NEVER let a guy kiss you on the first date. If you don't let him kiss you, you send the following message: "No, you can't have me all at once, I'm not easy to get. You're going to have to chase me a while." It's really very attractive to guys who will care about you, not about scoring.
Until next time, this is the Invisible Man.

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