Sunday, April 17, 2011


Basically, I am a facade. If I took all my facades off, I would not exist. That is the reason for this blog: to find out who I am. If you have any points of view on the subject, please feel free to share them.

1 comment:

  1. Well stop it. You get all mad at me when I am something you think I'm not at school (That is just your opinion.) so how is it okay for you to act like that when I'm not? You may think I am someone else at school than I am at home or hanging out with friends, but that is just a different side, not a facade, not a mask, just a different side. We all have different personalities that vary due to the circumstances we're in. It does not mean we're being something we're not, it just means that we see the need to act differently in a different situation. I hate people knowing all of me, it means they have too much power over me, and I am not one to be at someone's mercy.
